14 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi


Q: How long does it take to ship the program?

About 10 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your computer. After you purchase,
you’ll get immediate access to the entire 21 Day Fast Mass Building Program so
you can download it to your own computer and start this coming Monday.

Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait for slow snail mail or wait
to start adding mass and seeing results.

Q: What if I’m not a “young buck”, will this work if I’m considerably older?

It’s interesting because we recently surveyed our readerships and found that over
36% of our readers are males between 45-70 years of age and some of our clients
in their 50’s and 60’s experience just as impressive results – and sometimes betterthan
the “young bucks.” If you believe age is just a number than I don’t see any
reason why you won’t experience your fastestmuscle gains to date.

FYI: muscle is a metabolic marker that tricks your body into looking and feeling
younger. Ever seen a muscular 75 year old in your gym? He probably looks like he’s in
his 50’s. Why? Muscle! It’s never too late to start packing on pounds of muscle and
be that hunk your wife wants you to be.

Q: I’m a female and interested. Will this work just as fast for me?

100% girlfriend! Although our Test Group was primarily male dominant Lee and I
would both put our ladies – Trish and Flavia – on this program. We like our ladies
firm and curvy, not flabby or frail looking. This program does not favor males, a
certain age, experience level or any other factor. The program works for everyone
from any walk of life. The only person this program is not for is lazy tire-kickers.

Q: I’m a complete beginner and wondering if I should try this program?

Man up and stop wondering! Just start with the Fitness Model Physique program
and you’re good to go. Our belief is that the best program out there is the one that

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