7 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

Use That Holiday Stress To Get Into Shape

The Holidays are approaching and with the joy of the season you also have the traffic to fight in the stores and on the roads, the lists to make and fill, the house and tree to decorate, the cards to send, the food to prepare and the parties to give and attend. All of this plus your regular day to day routine can drive anyone crazy. Stress this time of the year usually leads to added weight because most people eat when they are stressed. Here is a way to take that unavoidable stress an make it an advantage. If you follow these tips you will not only be less stressed but you won’t gain weight this holiday and you may even lose it and get in better shape than ever.
If you are waiting, in traffic of in a line of people make it productive. 
This is a lot easier than you might think. If you’re in the car you can tense your muscles. Hold your muscles tight for as long as you can then relax for about 10 seconds. Do this until traffic begins to flow. You will be surprised at how effective this is. Try to compete with your own time by holding the tense muscles longer and longer each time. You can also do this when you’re standing in the long store lines while shopping. Another thing to do while standing in the long checkout lines is move from foot to foot. This is easy to do and fairly unnoticeable but it allows you to use your own body weight to exercise the muscles in the legs and buttocks. It also has the added benefit of making you actually less tired. If you have merchandise you can even use something that weights more and shift it from arm to arm. Nothing to heavy, maybe 1 to 3 pounds. Carry it in one arm for a minute then switch it to the other for a minute.
Making lists and checking them twice can be beneficial.
When you are making lists you are usually at home sitting down. Don’t just sit and think. Write an item on your list then stand up and do a squat, or a situp, or even a pushup. Then back to your list. This won’t take long and will do two things for you. It will keep you active and it will help you think. Your list may benefit from the extra thinking. After you completed the list set it aside and go for a walk or run. Then come back to the list and check it over, again doing a squat or something with every item on the list. The idea is with every item on the list you do an exercise, whatever you are comfortable with as long as it speeds your metabolism and gets the blood flowing and the joints lubricated. The first time loosens your muscles and gets you ready for a workout. Then a quick run or walk will only take maybe 10 minutes. Checking the list when you get back can work as a cool down.
Decorations and parties make it easy to relax and eat so you need to be careful.
Many people go to parties to eat and be merry. That’s ok. Just make a deal with yourself that if you eat so much or drink so much you will run a mile, or do 50 situps, or do 50 pushups. Just the idea often curbs your enthusiasm for eggnog and fruitcake. Making yourself pay for the little indulgences can keep them to a minimum. And if the idea of eating that extra piece of pie is to tempting them making yourself run that extra mile or do those pushups or situps will help keep the extra weight off.
Many of these tips are not only effective but they are also time efficient in this busy season. Boosting your metabolism by exercising can produce endorphins that make you happy and you will feel less tired. Remember you can burn 200 calories in just 7 minutes of the right cardio exercise.www.fatlossfactor.com

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