Having a leveling guide and add-on is only half the battle...with other guides you sure can level fast enough, it's just if you put yourself in a group with anybody else, you could find yourself failing harder than Mankrik's wife, and damn, by the time you're 85, you'ld end up playing like you're 10.
I needed something that would help me level ridiculously fast (i got my last alt up to level 85 within 7 days), and show me how to play like the elite do, including what gear to get, what rotations to smash for maximum effect, and also, i needed something that would make the entire experience fun. I mean, why else am i playing wow right? (So i can work a night shift paying blizzard 15 bucks a month for the privilege? Yeah right!)
When WotLK launched I had a friend in my guild who was an incredible AOE paladin tank, and I wanted to have one too. Turns out this guy had a total of 8 80s!!!
This shocked me...
...and I had to find out how he managed to get that many 80s in almost half the time I'd been playing...and I'd been using leveling guides just like he had.The difference between him and me was that his was "in-game" and mine was a page in Internet Explorer which I alt-tabbed to every 5 minutes.
His was automatic and he didn't have to do any thinking, and mine was too "cognition intensive". I just wanted to play, not get my damn programming degree again.
Leveling guides have come an even longer way since then, and the Booster Leveling System just takes the biscuit for how incredibly streamlined and efficient it can make your leveling experience.
I mean, it can only get so efficient right? Well, i had a bit of cash to burn, so i bought all three, zygor's guide, dugi's guide, and Manaview's guide. I decided that i wanted to reward the guys i believed offered the best deal, and the best reward i could possibly offer the winner would be a personal, thorough review and testimonial making my case to potential customers as to why the "best in my opinion" should also be the "best in your opinion" too.
There are 3 major wow leveling guides on the market, and on the surface level, all of them seem to offer the same thing, a really fast and convenient leveling experience from within the game with an in-game add-on, so you never have to alt-tab or minimize the game to check Wowhead for the next step in the quest, and the best part is, all three offer the fastest, most efficient route to complete quests in a way that will offer the best bang-for-your-buck per minute played.
The fact is, i have a life to focus on, a wife, and a demanding job (I'm a computer programmer by day). I just...really love wow, and don't get as much time as I'd like to play WoW. Does this sound a little like you?
I'll let you in on a little secret...Manaview won...and all my buddies now use it too... Because whilst Zygor and Dugi have been busy battling it out in court over who violated whose mother for $150,000, Manaview has quietly gone and put together the greatest package i have ever seen for anybody looking to really get the most out of their wow experience!
If i know one thing, i know Manaview values your time, so they've made it all to be literally plug'n'play, and before you play, you can watch 1 or 2 of their videos for less than 10 minutes a day, which almost instantly helps you get right up to speed with the class and spec you're playing, so you hit the ground running, and get the most out of your 1 or 2 (if I'm lucky) hours a day of wow time. It gives you a purpose to play.
It can also skip quests for you if you find any too tough, and the built in ManaSync-BoosterTron will automatically check your pre-levelled toon history to calculate the optimum leveling path for maximum leveling efficiency per minute.
Customer Care And Support
Manaview goes above and beyond any leveling guide company you'll ever deal with. It's almost OCD-like, because they will go to any lengths to make sure your playing experience is stellar.Another really cool thing is that i only have to buy the leveling package once, and i can share it with anybody else in my family, this one small gesture alone has encouraged me to go and recruit all my buddies to buy this package so we can all speed level and go kill us some bosses like bosses.
Man...it even shows me if the quest I'm doing is part of a quest chain so i can see every step in the chain and the rewards I'll get from it.
i'm lost without it
- Tommy LangSet This Thang On AutoPilot!
Just imagine how good it will feel to be on cruise control as you tear your way to 85...
- Afraid of death? Welcome to the club. We'll reveal how to avoid situations where you just can't win...and how you can crush the mobs you used to think were tougher than the Governator like putty in your hands
- As a caster you will know exactly how to tear multiple mobs to shreds before they can even reach you...and what to do when you're faced with a casters worst enemy...
- Love Melee? We'll show you how to charge in and rip groups of mobs apart whilst lesser players struggle helplessly to take on more than 1-2mobs at a time...
Unlock Your True Destructive Abilities... with the power of talent points... Done For You AUTOMAGICALLY...
Talent choice for any class - at any level - and it'll do it for you without you having to even think...just pick a spec and the BoosterSync T-Bomb SuperMaJigger Talent Distributor will handle the rest...Again these are a crucial element to lightning fast leveling. Any wow leveling guide not using these in game, is going to seriously cause you to drag your heels.
We provide these so that you don't have to spend hours checking the web to find your ideal build. Instead you simply get on with destroying every mob you come across at a breakneck pace...without breaking a sweat...
...In fact let me show you a video to give you a crystal clear picture of just how this works for you...
Have you ever found yourself on a quest where you just can't seem to figure out how to complete it? I know in my early days I found this a chore sometimes.
The quest description would be unclear, or I just couldn't figure out a way to get past a patrol without pulling half their buddies too (kinda like Gnolls Gone Wild)
Well Booster solves all these problems for you...
Not only have we provided simple, easy to follow instructions for each quest on our mega-efficient quest path...
...We give you real players' comments from wowhead.com, one of the most comprehensive WoW reference sites on the web.
There are literally thousands of comments available to give you advice and different ways to complete each quest.
All neatly contained in our wow leveling guide...
...Simply use the advice given to blast your way through the hardest quests first time. Leave lesser players to do all the dying and corpse running for you.
Do not waste time trying to find info on quests again. Simply sit back and enjoy decimating your enemies at a rocketing pace...
...And so that you can see just how much faster our wow leveling guide is taking you, we've included an...
...You'll never have to wonder if you really are leveling faster, just try not using the guide and training we give you in this system - you'll be amazed at the difference!
Booster Levels You Over 700% Faster
Now all these features wouldn't be complete without...
Yes it really is that simple. Even if you've never downloaded an addon before, our custom software allows it to be 3 easy steps.
And in case you're worrying about using our addon it really is very easy to use. Simply scrolling your mouse over any of the buttons will tell you its function.
You won't need to read pages of manuals. Heck, I know that's boring, and you don't want to have to spend a day learning how to use this. Get into the action today!
The addon is designed to be plug and play. As soon as your character loads, Booster will choose the most appropriate guide and you'll be ready to rock...
...You simply follow its instructions and you will be slicing and dicing your way to 85 in record time!
And finally we come to...
The optimized quest path...
...Now you may ask, "Why have I left the main purpose of the addon till last?"
Well let me tell you...
...Any wow leveling guide worth its salt will have this as standard. I mean come on, if the guide wasn't up to scratch with this, why on earth would you get it? It would be a complete waste of your time. I understand just how frustrated you get with leveling and if you don't have the fastest route in a leveling addon then it's going to annoy the hell out of you.
You want an addon to take the boredom and frustration out of leveling and I guarantee this addon has the optimal quest path as standard. Any time Blizzard changes it's quests you can be sure we test this route and update it, to make sure it's still the quickest and easiest available to you.
This brings me to another point...
...WoW is constantly changing. So in order for any guide to keep up, it has to be updated. So I want to give you a bonus gift...
Yes that means Cataclysm and every other expansion that Blizzard releases...
...And as Blizzard plan to take World of Warcraft to level 100...
...then that is another 3 expansions,
...in addition to Cataclysm,
...which you will have guides for...completely FREE.
You will never need to find, read or watch anything about leveling ever again... As part of our package, you have the secrets that no other wow leveling guide does, and you have them for as long as you play WoW. In addition you have...
Fully Blizzard Guidelines Compliant
No Risk Of Getting Banned - You can bet your butt that blizzard knows about all 3 of these major leveling guide companies, and I've done all the legal legwork so you don't have to, since I wouldn't be here allowing you the chance to be a part of it too.So what is all this worth?
Well, powerleveling services for a single character are over $100 each and have an 85% ban rate.
Our guide is completely legal and Blizzard Guideline Compliant.
In addition you can use it as many times as you want, and you will always have up to date guides on how to play any class and race, no matter which expansion you are playing.
So even modestly pricing this system a fair price would be at least $1497...
...But I don't want to give you a fair price...
... I want you to get this now knowing you have the ultimate value wow leveling guide system which you can use any time you want...
- I want to give you the power to race through the leveling grind at breakneck speeds...without breaking a sweat
- I want you to be able to have any class in the game at top level in record time...without going through hell and back to do it
- And I want it to be at an amazing price which you'll never believe...
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