Jason Oh
Looking for easy ways to lose weight and in 2 weeks? Below are 11 surefire ways you can do now to lose your weight now-
Easy Ways to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks
1. Beware scale obsession - weight should come off slowly - a half pound to one pound a week - as a result of cutting junk calories while fueling your body properly for the next workout and recovery. Think of your body as a high performance engine - raise the octane of the fuel you use and stop filling when the tank is full.
2. To lose weight in 2 weeks, you have to cut down on the junk foods (not completely), stop eating out and drink less sugary drinks, including the diet kinds.
3. Eat more fresh wholesome foods and whole grain products. It\'s simply the best and loaded with the essential fiber to keep you satisfied longer. The simple rule is, try to get in 2 serves of fruits and 5 serves of veggies a day.
4. Make it a point each day to include a good habit like drinking one less can of coke or eating one more serve of fruit.
5. Eat 6 healthy mini meals a day to keep your stomach satisfied. The key here is eat in controlled portions and never go for that second serve or a super size meal. Stick to the 1 plate rule to keep your calorie intake at bay.
6. Even \'bad foods\' can be good, in \'moderation\'. The keys are portion size and cooking method. Juicy, tender cuts of steak are fatty, but are fine to eat if you trim the lard before cooking, or grill it so excess fat can drip away. As for easy guideline on portions, always eat less steak than you would chicken.
7. No matter what you\'ve eaten, take note of how your body feels after a meal, rather than how you think you should feel. If you\'re still hungry later in the day, treat yourself to a piece of sweet in season fruit rather than a sugar filled snack or dessert. Then go ahead and pat yourself on the back.
8. Food is not the enemy. Food powers your brain and your muscles; without it, you\'ll lose your energy soon. If you missed a midday meal, eat a piece of fresh fruit or a handful of whole wheat crackers before you head for the gym.
9. How many of us slip chips and chocolate into our trolley for emergencies? It\'s vital to stop buying junk if you want to stop eating junk! Be strong and avoid purchasing extra snacks. You\'ll notice that both your grocery bill and snacking habits will start decreasing. If the foods aren\'t there, you can\'t eat them!
10. Your favorite exercise - only better - daily walker? Seasoned swimmer? You get kudos for your commitment, but you maybe short changing yourself. As you become more accustomed to your favorite activity, you burn fewer calories. This doesn\'t mean you have to ditch your go to exercise - just mix it up. As your fitness improves, increase the intensity levels to challenge your body (but train with in your limits). Look at jogging 100 yards followed by another hundred yards of walking, rinse and repeat. It\'s a great way to jolt the body\'s metabolism.
Alternatively, look at a combination of interval training and strength training like Turbulence Training to get the maximum output from your body - And when combined with good nutrition, it is one of the easy ways to lose weight with.
Ladies, strength training is good for you too - you will not bulk up and with muscles, you will burn more calories.
11. Use your lunch break wisely - spend half your lunch break walking. Taking a midday walk or a run can boost your energy, and reduce stress. Best yet, it gives you more time after work with family or friends.
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About the Author
There you have it - 11 easy ways to lose weight in 2 weeks and banish the weight for good. What it boils down to is - fat loss is a lifestyle change and it is for the better. There are no quick fixes in life, but if you follow the tips above and make the necessary changes, you will lose more weight and improve your health. Visit Reviews of Turbulence Training Now For The Most Effective Ways to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time!
21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi
Bad Circulation - Am I A Victim?
Bad Circulation - Am I A Victim?
Author:Doug Pare
There are millions of people around the globe taking treatment for bad circulation, and there are many others who suffer from bad circulation, but not aware of that. Most people ignore the symptoms or take it lightly and hence fail to diagnose it in time. When the person dies all of a sudden, then only others realize that he/she was suffering from bad circulation. This is why bad circulation is sometimes referred as a silent killer.
Bad circulation, in medical terminology Peripheral Vascular Disease PVD, is a medical condition which is somewhat similar to carotid artery disease and coronary artery disease. Bad circulation is caused when fatty deposits are accumulated in the inner linings of the artery wall. This accumulation results in the blockage of blood circulation. Bad circulation in arteries leads to the kidneys, arms, hand, legs, and feet. Most people who suffer from bad circulation may have fatty deposits in the arteries of brain and heart. This can cause the death of the patient from heart attack and stroke.
Bad circulation is considered as a serious condition and can result in heart attacks, loss of limbs, stroke, and in many cases even death. However if found in the early stages, bad circulation may be prevented or treated in the early stages with meditation, drug treatment, surgery, life style changes, or mostly a combination of all these treatments.
Some of the main symptoms of bad circulation are legs and or feet falling to sleep, cramping of the buttocks, legs, or feet, pain in the legs, swelling of the legs, tired aching feet; and very low temperature in your hands, arms, legs, or feet. If you feel that you have some or most of the symptoms then you may have been suffering from bad circulation. It is better to visit your family doctor and take a complete check up. Bad circulation can be diagnosed by a physical examination, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging angiography MRA, and X-ray angiography.
Some lifestyle changes which can help you to lower your risk include controlling diabetes, quit smoking, controlling blood pressure, and consuming low cholesterol diet. Bad circulation can be prevented to some extend by taking healthy fat free diet and regular exercises.
All we have to do is take a good look at the lifestyle we are living and it should be quite obvious to everyone why this is happening. First of all most people do not get enough exercise which is a crucial factor in allowing our blood to circulate properly. Bad circulation can lead to heart attack and strokes and if that is not enough all the fast food and fatty foods most people eat, only add to the problem.
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About the Author
Doug Pare is the owner of TrafficHelp4u Article Directory. Read more about Bad Circulation
Sebaceous Cysts Treatment Tips
Sebaceous Cysts Treatment Tips
Author:Juliet Cohen
A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac under the skin filled with a cheese-like or oily material. Sebaceous cysts are commonly seen on the scalp, labia, scrotum, chest, and back, but can be found anywhere on the body. A foul odor is also often present in the substance called keratin which fills sebaceous cysts. Keratin is a protein that creates the sac of cells called sebaceous cysts. The bumps or lumps you can feel under your skin are actually the sac of cells. Sebaceous cysts are often the result of swollen hair follicles, or skin trauma. The scalp, ears, back, face, and upper arm, are common sites for sebaceous cysts, though they may occur anywhere on the body except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In males a common place for them to develop is the scrotum and chest.
They are more common in hairier areas, where in cases of long duration they could result in hair loss on the skin surface immediately above the cyst. The main symptom is usually a small, non-painful lump beneath the skin. Small lumps or bumps that occur just under the skin of the genitalia, breast, abdomen, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body are the most common symptom of sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts may occasionally become infected and form into painful abscesses. It is important when sebaceous cysts are surgically removed that the entire sac is excised to help prevent a recurrence. large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst.
Surgical excision of a sebaceous cyst is a simple procedure to completely remove the sac and its contents. Total excision surgical technique removes the entire cyst and so prevents recurrence. Home treatment of sebaceous (epidermal) cyst, may relieve symptoms but may not make the cyst go away. Apply warm, wet washcloths to the lump for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Inject an inflamed but uninfected epidermoid cyst with a corticosteroid to help reduce the inflammation. To minimize scarring use a carbon dioxide laser to vaporize an epidermoid cyst on your face or other sensitive area. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using oil-free skin care products can help prevent milia. To prevent scarring and infection, don\'t try to squeeze cysts yourself.
Sebaceous Cysts Treatmen and Prevention Tips
1. Do not squeeze, scratch, drain, open (lance), or puncture the lump.
2. Keep the area clean by washing the lump and surrounding skin well with an antibacterial soap.
3. Apply warm, wet washcloths to the lump for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day.
4. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using oil-free skin care products can help prevent milia.
5. Prophylactic tetracycline or erythromycin ointment is applied once, 1 hour after delivery.
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About the Author
Juliet Cohen writes articles for acne home remedies and skin diseases. She also writes articles for natural skin care.
20 Mart 2011 Pazar
9 Mart 2011 Çarşamba
Is a Stress Free Life Good or Bad?
It seems that the word “stress” is becoming more common in the venue of everyday discussions. We hear about stress on the radio, tension induced by the economy, the anxiety of losing a job and the stress that comes with very challenging work. It is easy to conclude that all stress is bad if the news and magazines were your only resources for information. But is all stress bad for you? Does stress have any positive qualities?
You may be surprised to learn that some stress is actually “good” for you in many ways. The trick to benefiting from stress is to moderate the level of stress in your life. Just as a healthy body requires water, a healthy body requires an amount of stress to maintain its health. Likewise, if a healthy body is exposed to too much water (or stress) there can be negative consequences like drowning (or heart attacks).
So you are probably curious about how stress could possibly be good for you. Let me begin by pointing out that there are different forms of stress. Physical and emotional stresses are among the many forms to which we are exposed on a daily basis. Emotional stress can include being worried about paying the bills or about that lump you recently found on your back. The good part of such anxiety is that it will often drive you to action to avoid the discomfort of the worry. In this case it would motivate you to sit down and figure out a budget or to finally pick up the phone to make an appointment with your physician. (Since we are already very familiar with the negative aspects of too much stress I am refraining from addressing them here.)
Physical stress can be similarly beneficial. Think about it a moment… If you lift weights or engage in a cardiovascular exercise you are stressing your body. You are exposing your body to the physical stress of a greater number of muscle contractions which leads to greater use of oxygen and production of waste products that require removal. This places pressure on your circulatory system by increasing the requirements for oxygenated blood. This causes the heart to pump faster and the lungs to process a greater volume of air. Simply put, you breathe hard when you run.
This physical exertion forces the body to adapt to the stressor by improving its cardiovascular health. This leads to a lower pulse rate and blood pressure which eases the burden on the continuously contracting muscle called the “heart.” This exercise induced stress also improves the functional capacity of your lungs which makes them more efficient. Just as with the heart, this improved efficiency lowers the lungs’ stress load as well. It seems to be counter-intuitive to realize that more stress leads to less stress!
These examples of exercise induced physical stress are also restricted by the “too much” boundary. If you run too far or for too long then your body can respond with an injury (e.g. shin splints) or with an excessive level pain. Both of these examples are quite effective methods for your body to tell you “don’t do that again.” The physical stress of weight lifting leads to a stronger musculoskeletal system by forcing the body to adapt as well. As with running, this level of exertion must be balanced with a period of rest and recuperation or else the athlete will suffer from overtraining. This is another very effective way for your body to tell you to “slow down” or “stop that”- depending on how far you have gone beyond the boundaries.
Soon you will hear another story on the radio or read another article in a magazine addressing the harmful effects of stress and how it is such a terrible threat to your well being. I hope that you will remember that these stories are addressing the presence of “too much” stress and not “all” stress. Coincidentally, adopting a “some is good” attitude towards stress may actually reduce the amount of emotional anxiety you may experience because you are able to understand the positive sides of it. Remember, if kept in balance, some stress can actually provide a healthy and positive impact on your
How The Light Bulb Is Making Us Fat…
When you hear the name Thomas Edison you most likely think of the inventor of the light bulb and phonograph. Some may think of the “Genius of Menlo Park” who has over 1,000 patents in his name.
Others imagine a brilliant mind that laid the ground work for the telegraph services that eventually led to the convenience and speed of communicating by the telephone. Few people, however, would associate Edison with inventing something that could increase your physical stress levels and, as a result, have a negative effect on your health.
The human body has an internal clock which regulates its activities throughout a roughly 24 hour cycle. These 24 hours cycles are called “circadian rhythms.” These rhythms are found in all animals but can differ greatly from one species to another. For example, some animals are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night whereas others are active in the daylight hours. Wild animals are able to awaken without the benefit (or curse) of an alarm clock because their circadian rhythms arouse them from their sleep. These internal clocks control everything within your body to include your body temperature, your appetite and your energy level.
Before the artificial lights became common, our human circadian rhythms were closely synchronized with the 24 hour cycle we find in nature. We were active when the Sun was up and slept when the Sun went down. We shared a common cycle with beasts and plants alike.
The human body developed a close relationship with the 24 hour days over its extensive evolutionary history. When we were in caves, we had only sunlight to illuminate our world. We eventually developed torches and candles which enabled us to move at night but with a relatively dim light source.
Edison’s light bulb introduced a light source that was controlled by man instead of nature. We were suddenly able to make a room almost as bright at the day whenever we wanted to. Instead of squinting behind torches and candles we were now able to see greater distances and read with a brighter light. The problem here is that our bodies depend on light levels to determine when to release some of the many chemicals that drive our behavior and our health. These release times are driven by our circadian rhythms which developed with the sunlight cycles.
Consider the number of times you stayed up late to watch a movie on TV or to surf the Internet. These seem to be harmless pursuits but they are not. The exposure to the light sources at hours when your body thinks it should be sleeping can disrupt your circadian rhythms.
These disruptions can reduce the efficiency of your immune system and disrupt your metabolism as well as the regulation of your body temperature. If this happened on a rare occasion then your body could recover from the stress. However, if these late night activities are consistently repeated then your body is not able to recover from the stress and your health can suffer accordingly.
Modern living finds us surrounded by light at most hours of the night. We have street lights throwing up light pollution, glowing alarm clocks, late night computer use and all night access to entertainment on cable TV. The impact on our circadian rhythms by all of this light is still being researched by numerous organizations but the results so far have not been positive.
To be fair, Edison cannot be blamed for the stressor which may be linked to his creating the light bulb. He could not have foreseen the extent to which his invention would spread across the globe and surely had no idea of the possible negative impacts it would have on our lives.
It would be irresponsible and absurd to try to remove the light bulb from our modern lives. The light bulb was a life changing invention for the world that came from the mind of a single man. It is up to today’s minds to develop a way in which we can continue to benefit from Edison’s brilliance while minimizing the stress it has introduced to our
Easy Pack Pain Solutions
Have you ever had trouble bending over, playing with children, or dancing? Maybe you’ve been wanting to play golf and you can’t because of the stiffness and the pain. Are you uncomfortable driving in the car and even while you’re doing light house work? You might even mind that you sit at your desk feeling the pain rather than getting anything productive, putting your business or your job in jeopardy. This sort of back pain problem is common and I think you should do something about it. The cost to you of putting up with this pain is way to high.
Before we get into my personal recommendations for you, I want to make clear that you should be evaluated by a health professional first. I don’t know everyone out there and I don’t want anyone to get hurt, so you need to get checked out as a priority. You need to know what the source of your pain is.
Once you’ve got that done, you should work towards eliminating anything that is contributing to your pain. This could be your bed, poor posture, a bad office chair, or even poor form with the exercises you routinely perform. You need to be careful as you address the pain problem because you can easily aggravate the problem, but you can also easily make it better.
When you work out, you should always keep the back’s alignment straight without trying to round-it-out. Rows are another move that you should avoid.
The way you hold your back when picking up weights or other objects is also important. You need to hold yourself to good posture at all time before you make things even worse. You should also be mindful of the way you are doing a row, dead lift, and other movements. For any drills that you’ve never been shown how to do, you might want to skip them until you research more on the proper form to perform the routines you have chosen.
Picking things up is the source of more injuries than you might be aware of. It’s surprising how reaching for something on the floor has devastated so many lives.
Many folks don’t pay attention to simple lifting because they don’t consider it as part of their routine.
www.fatlossfactor.com4 Steps To Reduce Stress While You Lose Weight
To many people permanent weight loss seems like an unattainable goal. They might get very close to achieving their desired weight only to cave in a moment of weakness and lose all their hard work. Often they will have actually gained weight after the whole ordeal. If you are one of these people, read for some insights as to why this happens over and over.
Stress hormones have been with us from the very beginning. They are produces when we are faced with a threat – perceived or real – which can not be immediately dealt with. As a result, we can experience exhaustion, irritability, increased muscular tension, increased heart rate and a variety of other physiological reactions.
When faced with long term stress, we start craving rich and unhealthy foods. This is actually a coping mechanism of our bodies trying to deal with stress. What’s worse, is that if you are overweight, chances are you’ve gotten into a habit of comfort eating – You eat to feel better.
This means that if you feel insecure about your weight you can get trapped in a negative spiral. You’ll feel bad and stressed for weighing more than your environment tells you to weight, and as a result you comfort yourself by eating more, worsening the situation.
If you feel you are trapped in such a spiral, there are a few things you can do to turn things around:
1 – Be aware of your bad habits
In order to deal with them, you have to know them. Be honest to yourself and write them down. One helpful trick is to keep an elastic band around your arm. Flick it against your arm whenever you catch yourself falling back to a bad habit. Your brain will associate the tiny pain impulse with the bad habit.
In order to deal with them, you have to know them. Be honest to yourself and write them down. One helpful trick is to keep an elastic band around your arm. Flick it against your arm whenever you catch yourself falling back to a bad habit. Your brain will associate the tiny pain impulse with the bad habit.
2 – Find other ways of comforting yourself
Take up a new hobby or sport that fits in your comfort zone but leads you away from the bad habits you are used to. You might take a dog so you’ll be forced to take walks in the park with him.
Take up a new hobby or sport that fits in your comfort zone but leads you away from the bad habits you are used to. You might take a dog so you’ll be forced to take walks in the park with him.
3 – Eliminating Other Stress Factors
If there are other stress factors – Trouble at work, for example – you should strive to eliminate them by dealing with them. Do not get into a habit of looking away, running and hiding, but face the situation head on and give it your best.
If there are other stress factors – Trouble at work, for example – you should strive to eliminate them by dealing with them. Do not get into a habit of looking away, running and hiding, but face the situation head on and give it your best.
4 – Stop expecting miracles
Do not make the mistake of hoping to lose all that weight quickly. Losing your excess weight permanently will require you to change your bad habits into good habits, which takes time.
Do not make big changes overnight – You will not be able to cope and fall back into your old habits again.
Make small changes instead: Start taking the stairs instead of the escalator. One lump instead of two lumps. Again: Gradual change is your key to succes!
Do not make the mistake of hoping to lose all that weight quickly. Losing your excess weight permanently will require you to change your bad habits into good habits, which takes time.
Do not make big changes overnight – You will not be able to cope and fall back into your old habits again.
Make small changes instead: Start taking the stairs instead of the escalator. One lump instead of two lumps. Again: Gradual change is your key to succes!
How Stress Affects Your Weight Loss Goals
People are slowly developing an understanding of how their level of stress can impact their progress toward their weight loss goals. Numerous studies have identified the link between the type of the consumed calories (e.g. protein, fat, carbohydrate) and the success of a weight gain or loss objective. But relatively little has been done to associate body chemistry with weight loss.
Our bodies have evolved very little from the body that our cave dwelling ancestors had in their lifetimes. Sure, we have computers, cell phones, commercial flight and many other advances that our ancestors couldn’t even dream about but we still have pretty much the same body we had in the cave dwelling days.
Imagine a time where you were the hunter and the hunted. You constantly had your senses up and aware of any danger as you walked about in search of food. If you wanted to eat, you had to first find something edible, hunt it down and then prepare it for consuming. Your body was in a state of stress because it was trying to save the food stores (i.e. “body fat”) it had while trying to supply your muscles with enough energy to support the hunt. This was a tricky balance in that letting go of too much body fat could lead to starvation whereas not releasing enough would lead to becoming fatigued which would lead to a failed hunt which would also lead to starvation.
Now consider our current lifestyle. We no longer walk for miles to get our next meal. We can just drive to a local fast food joint or grocery store and try to decide from the plethora of options being offered. The result is that we do not engage in the exercise of our ancestors to obtain our next meal and so we do not dig into our food energy stores (i.e. body fat) to support the hunt. Burning fewer calories means less body fat lost.
Our current stress is caused by our jerk boss and trying to pay the bills. Our bodies treat these stressors in the same fashion as our ancestors. Our body’s response to this stress is to get back on the tightrope to balance between parceling out the calories and holding on to them. Since we don’t walk for miles to pay our bills, we no longer have the physical exertion to burn off the calories and so our bodies are able to hold on to more of the body fat stores.
When we reduce our caloric intakes, the little caveman inside our bodies perceives this as a return to the fields of scarcity. This causes it to hold on to all the body fat it can to survive. If we stress our body with less food or jerk bosses then we are telling our bodies to KEEP the fat instead of lose it.
Reducing your stress levels as you exercise will allow the caveman within to work with you instead of against
Our bodies have evolved very little from the body that our cave dwelling ancestors had in their lifetimes. Sure, we have computers, cell phones, commercial flight and many other advances that our ancestors couldn’t even dream about but we still have pretty much the same body we had in the cave dwelling days.
Imagine a time where you were the hunter and the hunted. You constantly had your senses up and aware of any danger as you walked about in search of food. If you wanted to eat, you had to first find something edible, hunt it down and then prepare it for consuming. Your body was in a state of stress because it was trying to save the food stores (i.e. “body fat”) it had while trying to supply your muscles with enough energy to support the hunt. This was a tricky balance in that letting go of too much body fat could lead to starvation whereas not releasing enough would lead to becoming fatigued which would lead to a failed hunt which would also lead to starvation.
Now consider our current lifestyle. We no longer walk for miles to get our next meal. We can just drive to a local fast food joint or grocery store and try to decide from the plethora of options being offered. The result is that we do not engage in the exercise of our ancestors to obtain our next meal and so we do not dig into our food energy stores (i.e. body fat) to support the hunt. Burning fewer calories means less body fat lost.
Our current stress is caused by our jerk boss and trying to pay the bills. Our bodies treat these stressors in the same fashion as our ancestors. Our body’s response to this stress is to get back on the tightrope to balance between parceling out the calories and holding on to them. Since we don’t walk for miles to pay our bills, we no longer have the physical exertion to burn off the calories and so our bodies are able to hold on to more of the body fat stores.
When we reduce our caloric intakes, the little caveman inside our bodies perceives this as a return to the fields of scarcity. This causes it to hold on to all the body fat it can to survive. If we stress our body with less food or jerk bosses then we are telling our bodies to KEEP the fat instead of lose it.
Reducing your stress levels as you exercise will allow the caveman within to work with you instead of against
Simple Tips To De-Stress Your Weight Loss Efforts
Did you know that some people lose weight when they are under stress? It’s true. The rest of us pack on pounds like crazy, and then get even more stressed out because we’re gaining weight. It’s natural to turn to “comfort foods” and tv when you feel like you can’t handle your life right now. But this doesn’t help you to eliminate stress, and can create more.
Presumably you’re pretty much always under some stress, but you want to be a healthy weight in spite of that. How do you do that?
First, don’t let your weight goals cause you even more stress! That would make things harder for you, and so would be self-defeating! Instead, think of your attempt to maintain (or to achieve) a healthy weight as a chance to take care of yourself. There isn’t some state of perfection that you have to reach – you just need to balance your life, and that includes a little bit of caring for your body.
Second, in the spirit of taking care of yourself, find activities that you enjoy, and make time for them. Even as stressed out as you are, and as rushed as you feel, give yourself permission to take care your yourself by exercising a little. Take a few deep breaths, then a 5 minute walk around the block. Slow down and take the stairs at work, instead of the elevator. Sign up for a weekly yoga class, and really go. This is time for you! The little bit of time you lose here or there won’t make things any worse, and might make you feel a little better.
Third, exercise reduces stress. There have been many studies that show a strong connection between regular exercise and reduced stress. Even depression is sometimes eased by exercise. The time you take for yourself, to do some physical activity that you enjoy doing, will make you more productive later. You’ll feel better, you’ll look better, and you’ll even work better.
Food choices are a little tougher. I know how tempting comfort foods are when I’m under stress. The thing to bear in mind is that even if you choose comfort foods, you can still be careful not to eat to much. Ask yourself, “Am I hungry enough to eat an apple?” If the answer is no, then you aren’t really hungry, so don’t eat.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is really just a matter of taking care of yourself. No matter how much your child wants to stay home from school every day, you wouldn’t be taking good care of her if you let her goof off like that. Similarly, no matter how tempting it is to be sedentary and eat lots of junk food, you have to take care of your long term interests a little, by exercising and eating right (or at least by not eating too much)
Presumably you’re pretty much always under some stress, but you want to be a healthy weight in spite of that. How do you do that?
First, don’t let your weight goals cause you even more stress! That would make things harder for you, and so would be self-defeating! Instead, think of your attempt to maintain (or to achieve) a healthy weight as a chance to take care of yourself. There isn’t some state of perfection that you have to reach – you just need to balance your life, and that includes a little bit of caring for your body.
Second, in the spirit of taking care of yourself, find activities that you enjoy, and make time for them. Even as stressed out as you are, and as rushed as you feel, give yourself permission to take care your yourself by exercising a little. Take a few deep breaths, then a 5 minute walk around the block. Slow down and take the stairs at work, instead of the elevator. Sign up for a weekly yoga class, and really go. This is time for you! The little bit of time you lose here or there won’t make things any worse, and might make you feel a little better.
Third, exercise reduces stress. There have been many studies that show a strong connection between regular exercise and reduced stress. Even depression is sometimes eased by exercise. The time you take for yourself, to do some physical activity that you enjoy doing, will make you more productive later. You’ll feel better, you’ll look better, and you’ll even work better.
Food choices are a little tougher. I know how tempting comfort foods are when I’m under stress. The thing to bear in mind is that even if you choose comfort foods, you can still be careful not to eat to much. Ask yourself, “Am I hungry enough to eat an apple?” If the answer is no, then you aren’t really hungry, so don’t eat.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is really just a matter of taking care of yourself. No matter how much your child wants to stay home from school every day, you wouldn’t be taking good care of her if you let her goof off like that. Similarly, no matter how tempting it is to be sedentary and eat lots of junk food, you have to take care of your long term interests a little, by exercising and eating right (or at least by not eating too much)
You Don’t Have To Lose Weight Alone… You Can Always Get Support!
Being overweight is no longer something that has to be dealt with alone. In today’s world there are many ways that a person can lose the weight that utilize the help of others. When someone is severely overweight they can also be very lonely because they are ashamed of how they look or because they are unable to do certain things. Society is very good at ostracizing people because of their weight. Not only can the extra weight cause people to stare on the street, but some places force people who are overweight to do extra things because of their weight. Airlines can make a person buy an extra ticket if they weight too much. Some people can’t sit in certain furniture for the fear that it might break. But just because society doe not accept people who are overweight, does not mean that there is not support available for those people.
The growth of the internet has allowed people to befriend each other anonymously. People are able to hide behind characters they create while surfing the web. When a person is on the internet they can look however they want to anyone and not be judged by how they really look. Sometimes that ability to be unseen can be used to help get the support that is needed.
For people who are overweight there is a lot of information available that can assist a person in losing weight. There are also sites that will help track a person’s diet and exercise and let a person see how they are progressing. One site that is available is the biggest loser forum, which in addition to providing diet and exercise hints also has chat room where people can discuss all of the issues they are dealing with by being overweight and trying to maintain a diet and exercise program.
When trying to lose weight, the internet is a great resource that is able to provide information and support that is needed. The internet can help make a weight loss program even more effective.
One way to find the support of others is to join a fitness club. In the club you can find many people who are going through or have gone through the same thing that you are now encountering. There are also professionals who can show you how to lose the weight that you desire and develop a diet and exercise program that fits your lifestyle even if you want to include your favorite six pack ab exercises video in your fitness regimen.
A gym is a grat place to meet people or you could join it with a group of friends and create a gathering on a regular basis with them. The gym can provide a great connection with others. If you can dedicate yourself to going to a gym on a regular basis, you will find yourself increasing your self image and enjoying the company of others more.
Being overweight is not the end of the world. While it is true that it is better to judge a person based on what is inside that person, this does not always happen in the world. But that does not mean you have to discover how to lose weight fast just to be accepted by the people you pass on the street. If you do decide to lose the extra weight, you will find that there is a village available that will help you succeed in reaching your goal. You might also find a whole new group of friends along the
Keep on Keeping on! Keys to Stay Motivated for Fitness
Have you ever noticed that some people can stay faithful to their diet and exercise plan easier than others? There are even people who seem to be doing very well on their routines, but then out of the blue fall off the wagon. So what makes the difference between failure and success? You’ll hear many people emphasize special tips and tricks that are mentally and behaviorally oriented.
Below, I’m going to tell you some of my secrets that will help you stay on the right track to fitness and health. #1. Get some people to help you.
Those who try to change their bodies and their lifestyles on their own have a disadvantage. People will always do better at good things if they have somebody to answer to.
Get one person who you can exercise with all the time and be consistent at it themselves.
You need someone at work too who will be watching to see how many donuts you eat. Also, you don’t need to be going out for pizza and fast food at lunch like so many of your coworkers do.
A lot of support can be found online too.
You might not know them all personally, but a lot of people are in forums who are in situations similar to your own. #2. Join the competition.
By participating in organized challenges you can have some real motivation to stay on you program.
Even in friendly matters, no one wants to fail while others succeed.
Some of these programs will give you a prize if you win or if you reach a certain level. A good competition with weight loss can be just as fun as a sports league.
#3. Reality. One thing that you need to accept is the fact that losing fat is hard work. This is a simple truth: work hard and you will win every
Below, I’m going to tell you some of my secrets that will help you stay on the right track to fitness and health. #1. Get some people to help you.
Those who try to change their bodies and their lifestyles on their own have a disadvantage. People will always do better at good things if they have somebody to answer to.
Get one person who you can exercise with all the time and be consistent at it themselves.
You need someone at work too who will be watching to see how many donuts you eat. Also, you don’t need to be going out for pizza and fast food at lunch like so many of your coworkers do.
A lot of support can be found online too.
You might not know them all personally, but a lot of people are in forums who are in situations similar to your own. #2. Join the competition.
By participating in organized challenges you can have some real motivation to stay on you program.
Even in friendly matters, no one wants to fail while others succeed.
Some of these programs will give you a prize if you win or if you reach a certain level. A good competition with weight loss can be just as fun as a sports league.
#3. Reality. One thing that you need to accept is the fact that losing fat is hard work. This is a simple truth: work hard and you will win every
Don’t Stress Your Weight
The world is not an easy place these days. The recession has created a lot of problems for a lot of people. Watching the news everyday, we are reminded of all of the bad things that seem to be occurring in the world today. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done that a person wants to get done. With all of this happening around us, why add any more stress to our already stressful lives.
How much a person weighs is something that everyone notices. People are often described as that short, fat guy over there or the skinny brunette in the corner. The way we appear is the first image that we present to the world. Because of that it is also something that creates a lot of stress in our lives. Chat rooms like the biggest loser forum are full of people who talk about how their weight affects their daily lives and who are looking for suggestions and help to change the amount that they weigh. But it does not have to control your life if you don’t want it to. We control the way that we react to other people’s opinions, so we can choose not to let it bother us.
It comes down to how a person decides how to handle the stress. If a person is overweight and they don’t want it to affect them, then they have to do something about it. One choice is to learn how to lose weight fast and get rid of the extra pounds that they are carrying so that they no longer have to worry about. There are unlimited resources that will help a person lose weight, but a person has to go out and find them. Weight loss does not occur without some type of effort. But effort does not mean stress. Just because you have to do something to accomplish it does not mean it has to cause you more stress. Make the decision and the commitment to get it done and stop worrying. It doesn’t matter how much weight you actually lose, if you want to lose some than any amount means your heading in the right direction.
If you don’t worry about losing the weight, then you might find it easier to succeed. Stress can cause you to retain fluids or to eat more or to exercise less. Instead of worrying about losing weight, immerse yourself in a weight loss program and enjoy it. Find an exercise program that you enjoy, even if that means finding an old six pack ab exercises video to get you moving around and the exercise will help you handle the stress in your life. Working out is a great way to relieve the stress that a person feels everyday. It is time that can be spent alone or with others, and the benefits to it are countless. When you exercise, you can make your body feel better, and when you feel better inside, you will feel less stress.
Once you make yourself feel better inside, your outside appearance will change. By losing weight, you can improve your image of yourself. If you feel like you look better than you did before, it is much easier to greet everyday with a smile. When you approach each day with a smile on your face, stress will disappear.
Controlling how much you weigh is an important part of life. But it does not have to be a stressful part of life. It is something that can and needs to be taken control of. Once you have that control, you will be able to breath easier. Always remember that stressed is just desserts spelled
How much a person weighs is something that everyone notices. People are often described as that short, fat guy over there or the skinny brunette in the corner. The way we appear is the first image that we present to the world. Because of that it is also something that creates a lot of stress in our lives. Chat rooms like the biggest loser forum are full of people who talk about how their weight affects their daily lives and who are looking for suggestions and help to change the amount that they weigh. But it does not have to control your life if you don’t want it to. We control the way that we react to other people’s opinions, so we can choose not to let it bother us.
It comes down to how a person decides how to handle the stress. If a person is overweight and they don’t want it to affect them, then they have to do something about it. One choice is to learn how to lose weight fast and get rid of the extra pounds that they are carrying so that they no longer have to worry about. There are unlimited resources that will help a person lose weight, but a person has to go out and find them. Weight loss does not occur without some type of effort. But effort does not mean stress. Just because you have to do something to accomplish it does not mean it has to cause you more stress. Make the decision and the commitment to get it done and stop worrying. It doesn’t matter how much weight you actually lose, if you want to lose some than any amount means your heading in the right direction.
If you don’t worry about losing the weight, then you might find it easier to succeed. Stress can cause you to retain fluids or to eat more or to exercise less. Instead of worrying about losing weight, immerse yourself in a weight loss program and enjoy it. Find an exercise program that you enjoy, even if that means finding an old six pack ab exercises video to get you moving around and the exercise will help you handle the stress in your life. Working out is a great way to relieve the stress that a person feels everyday. It is time that can be spent alone or with others, and the benefits to it are countless. When you exercise, you can make your body feel better, and when you feel better inside, you will feel less stress.
Once you make yourself feel better inside, your outside appearance will change. By losing weight, you can improve your image of yourself. If you feel like you look better than you did before, it is much easier to greet everyday with a smile. When you approach each day with a smile on your face, stress will disappear.
Controlling how much you weigh is an important part of life. But it does not have to be a stressful part of life. It is something that can and needs to be taken control of. Once you have that control, you will be able to breath easier. Always remember that stressed is just desserts spelled
Five Great Reasons To Lose Weight And Look Great!
Many people look at themselves in the mirror and decide that now is the time to lose the weight that has seemed to sprout up around their waist. It is not a hard thing to do to say I want to lose ten pounds. But wanting to do it and actually doing it are two very different things. There are a lot of things that we want, but we know that we will never get them. We might want a big mansion on top of a hill but that might not always be possible. Controlling how much me way is something that can be controlled. It is something that if you want it you can get it. But to get it you have to be willing to commit yourself to a weight loss and exercise program that is necessary to lose the weight. To commit yourself to something like that you have to find the reasons. It doesn’t matter if you want to learn how to lose the weight fast or if you want to do it at a slower pace, there has to be some good reasons for you to do it if you want to succeed. So what are five reasons to lose weight?
Reason number one is your clothes don’t fit. Through the years your clothes seemed to be shrinking more and more, but it is not the clothes that are shrinking, it is your body that has been growing. Increase your wardrobe by losing weight and wearing clothes that are just hanging in your closet.
Reason number two is to be able to enjoy more things. Being overweight slows you down. You are not physically able to perform all that activities that you want to. You find it easier to sit on the couch watching television rather that getting out and throwing the football with your kids. Some of the best time spent with friends and families involves getting up and being active.
Reason number three is to change the way that you look. People judge others based upon their appearance and how much you weigh is one of the most obvious forms of our appearance. It is not good to be know as the lonely fat guy lying on the beach rather than the guy who has done his six pack ab exercises that has all the women flocking to him. Taking the time to exercise and diet can make you feel better about the way you look on the inside and out.
Reason number four is health. There are many different diseases that are directly linked to obesity. Many of these can shorten your life significantly. By losing the extra weight, it is possible to reverse many of these maladies and extend your life span. If you learn to eat foods that are healthy for you, than there are many positive effects on your body. You will feel better and also look better when you take care of the weight.
Reason number five is family. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for the people who love you. Those people want you to be happy and healthy and maintaining the proper weight is crucial to that. A diet and exercise program is something that the whole family can get involved in and enjoy together.
So that is a list of five reasons to lose weight. The exact reason will depend upon the person who decides to lose it now. There are many discussion groups on the internet such as the biggest loser forum, where people discuss their reasons and motivations to live a healthier life. If you really decide to lose the weight, find the reason and share it with others and you are on your weigh to a successful plan.
7 Mart 2011 Pazartesi
Fighting Stress While Dieting
A major cause of stress in a person’s life has to do with how much they weigh, and what they are trying to do about it. There are many people who think that they need to lose a few pounds and worry about how they can accomplish it. The good news is that some of the things that can be done to lose weight can also help reduce stress.
One of the most important things to do when you are trying to lose weight is to exercise. The benefits of exercising are many fold. By exercising you can burn more calories than you take in, and by doing that, you can lose weight. In addition to losing weight the exercising can help tone your body and make the flab look tight and firm. When a person looks better or even thinks that their appearance has improved that is one less thing to worry about. The way we appear to others is often a major source of stress in a person’s life and is something that is often within a person’s control. Some exercises are better for reducing stress than others, but it depends a lot upon the individual performing the exercises. A person has to pick something they enjoy. One person might enjoy running six miles a day while another might think that it is better to do a set of six pack ab exercises on a daily basis to get into shape. It is not the method of exercising that matters in the end, but it is important to exercise.
Another benefit of exercising is the health benefits. There are a lot of people who decide that they want to learn how to lose weight fast and attempt some type of diet program that is not always healthy for your body and can lead to side effects. But when you exercise to lose weight your body can become healthier. The heart doesn’t have to work as hard, aches and pains can be lessened, and muscles can be built. If your body feels better, then you are less likely to feel the effects of stress.
Diet is another important part of a weight loss program. If you watch what you eat, you not only can reduce the amount of calories that you take in and lose weight, but you can also take in more nutrients and vitamins that help with stress. There are many foods that contain different vitamins and antioxidants and other things that have a positive effect on your body that goes beyond the weight loss. Some of the positive effects include lowering the stress that a person feels on a daily basis.
When you are using a complete weight loss program, an important component of the program is to have some type of support. Whether it is the support of a friend or family who are doing the program along with you, or the support of a professional trainer at a fitness club, or if you find support online at a site like the biggest loser forum, having others around you to help you deal with the issues will reduce the amount of stress you have to deal with. Other people can share the tough times that are inevitable while dieting and make it easier to get through them.
People worry about many things in their life, and how their weight makes them appear is often one of them. But instead of letting their weight add to the stress they feel everyday, it is possible to lose the weight and the stress together. When it works it leads to a longer healthier
Tips to Relieve Upper Body Soreness
Those who work at a desk most of the time are likely to have range of motion problems with their shoulders. The neck’s another area that often has problems from working in a seated position a lot of the time. This is bad enough while you are trying to do your job, although certain types of exercise worsen the problem. Rotating cuffs can become problematic as well as more severe problems.
The good news is that if you spend a so little time exercising your shoulders you can help them become more mobile and feel a lot better. I do these because I start feeling pain when I’m sitting at a computer too long.
And don’t forget about the upper back which often gets tense and over worked. We are going to go over several ways to exercise that will help improve the way your body feels after a hard day at work.
The first one is called a stick up, where you are about half a foot from a vertical surface and then you push your body from your hips to the shoulders against it.
Get each elbow tucked in on either side and pressure your shoulders for each other. The next thing is that you will do is get each hand overhead extended as far as possible as you keep the rest of you in contact with the vertical surface.
Hold yourself this way and then to the way you were before.
This pattern is going to cause a problem if you are not very mobile in the upper body area. One thing I can say is that if you will begin doing this you will help avoid serious posture problems in the future.
Here’s another way to help your shoulders be more mobile during your office career: It’s the Y squat.
Do this maneuver by making a letter Y shape with your hands and then squatting as your hands are behind you.
The Push up + is a variation of the push up that has you widen your shoulder blades at the top position
Stress Is The Dieters Enemy
While I watched the show the Biggest Loser the other night, I heard one of the trainers say that if you are stressed, it can cause you to gain weight. The stress you feel can cause many things. Most of these things are not healthy for your body. Stress can cause you to retain water which means it is harder to lose weight even if you are dieting and exercise. Stress can also effect your metabolism causing it to slow down. That means it is harder to burn off the calories that you take in. Stress can make you feel more tired thus making it harder to get out and get exercise. Some people use the term emotional eating. That means because of some stress that they are feeling they feel the need to eat to relieve the stress. And it is well documented that stress can cause major health issues such as heart problems.
The television bombards us everyday with the newest weight-loss product, or exercise machine. If you are watching television late at night it is hard to miss the next great machine that will help you do the perfect six-pack ab exercises. For only $19.95 you are guaranteed the perfect body in just thirty days. We buy these products with our hard earned money and eagerly await their arrival. We feel stress waiting for the package to get there so we can start our way to the perfect body. When it arrives, we try to use it with the best intentions, but in the end we lose interest and the product fails. More stress is added because we wasted the money, and are reminded of our failure each time we look in the mirror and say we need to lose weight.
If it is not an infomercial that is selling some machine that gets us, it is the diet book that promises us the secret to how to lose weight fast that catches our eyes. Again we have good intentions and work very hard to get the needed food that the book suggests. We feel the stress of running around to several specialty shops to find the right food, carefully reading labels to make sure we know what we are eating. Starting a diet is hard work and hard work is stressful. Despite our efforts to stay on a diet, some holiday or special event arrives and even though we want to follow the plan the lure of something else is too strong. We give into our wants, despite all the stress the decision causes. After we enjoy the night out, the stress mounts even further because of the guilt that is felt.
Stress is a dieters; enemy, and stress is all around us. In order to successfully diet a person has to realize that they can not eliminate all of the stress in their life, but they can control the stress. Each person must accomplish it differently. Some people join a club to offer them support and help shoulder the stress. Others find that support by joining a chat group such as the ones that can be found on The Biggest Loser Forum. Still others find stress relief through meditation. It is not important how a person controls their stress. It is important for a person to do this. Not just because a person is dieting, but because relieving stress is a vital part of a long and healthy
Stress – The Silent Threat to Our Weight
We all have stress in our lives and furthermore we all will feel stress again depending on the events going on around us. Stress is our body’s normal reaction to demand whether it be from work life, home life or any other factor which has a significant impact upon us. I used to work in a very stressful job as a market trader. The stress from my job had a negative impact upon my life: it caused relationship problems and caused me to put on a lot of weight but in this article I will tell you how to harness stress to your benefit and use it to motivate you to lose weight.
When we feel under stress our body’s natural reaction is to combat it. By our body combating stress it causes us to put on weight in two ways. The first is because when we’re stressed the hormone Cortisol is released by the pituitary gland. Cortisol causes fatigue which makes us less inclined to exercise and more importantly negatively affects our metabolism so we cannot digest food quickly enough. Cortisol can only be combated by effective ways of managing your stress which I will outline later in the article. The second way stress causes us to put on weight is by forcing us to comfort eat or drink. Many people see wine as a good way to release stress but did you know that one medium size glass of wine contains as many calories and two packets of crisps! So as you can see it’s best not to hit the bottle to stop stress.
Now I will tell you ways in which you can combat stress and use it to your advantage when trying to lose weight. The image on the right shows stress (pressure) in relation to performance. As you can see the right amount of stress can cause optimum performance which in turn would motivate you to exercise and eat more healthily which in turn will help you lose weight. So stress really can help you lose weight. The other way to use stress when trying to lose weight is to do activities when you’re under stress which are beneficial to your
health such as going for a run or going to the gym. With these activities you kill to birds with one stone. Not only do they help lose stress they also help you lose weight!
health such as going for a run or going to the gym. With these activities you kill to birds with one stone. Not only do they help lose stress they also help you lose weight!
Hopefully now you will have more of an idea about how stress affects your body and your weight and the simple steps which you can take to lead a stress free life and lose weight in the
Stress is one of the most common yet underrated cause of weight gain
Will you believe that Stress is among the various other main reasons which are responsible for weight gain or obesity? It is 100% true that stress is the main reason for weight gain and if one wants to burn his/her fats or wants to get a slim and perfect physique then he/she should try to reduce the stress levels.
The life of the person has become very stressful and busy due to the hectic schedules and over loads of work. Whether the person is a student of a school, college, is an employee or is a house-wife, the schedules of everyone have become very hectic. This hectic schedule gives birth to increased levels of anxiety, tensions, emotional instabilities as well as the stress.
We have to face so many new and difficult circumstances and situations in our daily life and we all know it very well that there is a certain limit beyond which it becomes impossible to deal with the stress. There is a biological reason behind it, according to which there are only two adrenal glands present in our body which help us in dealing and fighting with such situations. These glands not only help us in dealing with these difficult situations but are also helpful in stabilizing the levels of stress and anxiety.
When we are under stress, whether there is a major cause or a minor cause of this stress, the adrenal glands start releasing the Adrenaline and Cortisol chemicals which help us in fighting with the situations. The Adrenaline gland starts providing enough energy to our body so that the body may become able to fight with the situation in an easier and much significant way. The Cortisol whereas increases the insulin levels in our body. The increased level of Insulin slows down the burning process of body fats. This also leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. Every time, we are under stress, adrenaline and Cortisol release energy, increase insulin level, slow down the burning of fats and lead to an increase or decrease in blood sugar. When we are out of the stressful situations, these fighting glands start behaving properly.
Being under stress at rare situations, is normal and inevitable. But this problem becomes severe when the stressful situation is prolonged and the person has to deal with such situations for a long period because in such case, the person becomes the patient of chronic stress and in case of chronic stress, the body forces the Adrenaline and Cortisol glands to continuously release the enough energy and insulin. In this case, the adrenaline gland keeps on releasing the enough energy continuously . This becomes impossible for the body to utilize the gradually increasing amount of energy. This ultimately leads to an increase in weight.
The Cortisol whereas, in case of patient of chronic stress, starts increasing the insulin levels continuously. The continuous increase in level of insulin in body, leads to slowing down of burning of fats in body and force the body to store more fats. It can also result in slowing down of metabolic process as well as Hypoglycemia (low level of blood sugar).
Adrenal glands and the Pancreas are the only organs which help us in maintaining the blood sugar levels. Moreover, if the Adrenal gland is forced to work so long and for so many hours then this will give rise to a very sever problem and the gland will become unable to produce proper amount of required Adrenaline.
There are a few other ways in which the stress is linked to the weight gain of the body like avoiding exercise due to stress, unhealthy eating habits which arise due to stress etc.
Therefore, it means that if the person wants to lose his/her weight, then it is a must for him/her to reduce the stress level so that he may live long and may live a happy and healthy life with the loved ones.
www.fatlossfactor.comTherefore, it means that if the person wants to lose his/her weight, then it is a must for him/her to reduce the stress level so that he may live long and may live a happy and healthy life with the loved ones.
How stress plays a MAJOR role in the speed at which we gain AND lose weight…
The first major theory that defined the relationship between mind and body was set forward by philosopher Rene Descartes in the 17th century. His theory proposed that the mind and the body operated separately in a relationship he called “dualism.” Since then, scientific advances have proven Descartes wrong: the mind and body are very much intertwined and dependant on each other. One of the primary ways the mind affects the body (and vice versa) is stress. From the mind, the stress is psychological. Coming from the body, stress is physical. Stress is a fact of human existence. Without stress, we wouldn’t move in order to avoid physical stress only to become psychologically stressed by that condition!
With the body and mind so closely connected, we can understand how those who have been subjected to trauma (e.g. 9/11) can very easily see stress manifested in their bodies. We can define stress as a factor that requires a person to adapt or adjust. As already noted, stress is normal, but when stressors are placed upon us so that we cannot adapt properly, we can experience physical and psychological problems that stem from our inability to cope.
Some believe that stress inhibits the appetite and is therefore most closely associated with weight loss. While this is potentially true in some cases, evidence suggests that the link between stress and the endocrine system (hormones), can result in either weight gain or weight loss. What happens to a specific person under high stress is very unpredictable. Furthermore, stress is a major contributor to conditions such as depression which also have effects on weight loss. Since changes in weight are a significant indicator of depression stress in reality can be closely tied to either weight gain or weight loss depending on the individual.
Dietary supplements that are supposed to lower hormone levels in effort to prevent weight gain have been marketed, but have not been validated by any reputable medical studies. Such an approach in itself is somewhat risky because the hormonal response to stress varies between individuals and therefore cannot be treated in a univeral manner (if an adequate treatment were available).
Knowing that stress can be responsible for changes in weight, what should be the standard approach to people who are over stressed? The clear answer is exercise. Regardless of whether a person is inclined to lose weight or gain weight under stress, exercise has been proven to be a viable remedy. By engaging in routine exercise, we can actually build resistance to both psychological and physical stress, and thus be at less risk of experiencing stress related weight changes or illnesses. In the event that an overstressed individual has a hormonal proclivity toward weight gain, exercise can help mitigate it, helping that person maintain a consistent weight while enjoying the stress relief offered by an exercise regimen. What makes exercise even more vital is that it has been documented to be effective in the treatment for and prevention of depression further reducing the risk of stress related changes in body
Use That Holiday Stress To Get Into Shape
The Holidays are approaching and with the joy of the season you also have the traffic to fight in the stores and on the roads, the lists to make and fill, the house and tree to decorate, the cards to send, the food to prepare and the parties to give and attend. All of this plus your regular day to day routine can drive anyone crazy. Stress this time of the year usually leads to added weight because most people eat when they are stressed. Here is a way to take that unavoidable stress an make it an advantage. If you follow these tips you will not only be less stressed but you won’t gain weight this holiday and you may even lose it and get in better shape than ever.
If you are waiting, in traffic of in a line of people make it productive.
This is a lot easier than you might think. If you’re in the car you can tense your muscles. Hold your muscles tight for as long as you can then relax for about 10 seconds. Do this until traffic begins to flow. You will be surprised at how effective this is. Try to compete with your own time by holding the tense muscles longer and longer each time. You can also do this when you’re standing in the long store lines while shopping. Another thing to do while standing in the long checkout lines is move from foot to foot. This is easy to do and fairly unnoticeable but it allows you to use your own body weight to exercise the muscles in the legs and buttocks. It also has the added benefit of making you actually less tired. If you have merchandise you can even use something that weights more and shift it from arm to arm. Nothing to heavy, maybe 1 to 3 pounds. Carry it in one arm for a minute then switch it to the other for a minute.
This is a lot easier than you might think. If you’re in the car you can tense your muscles. Hold your muscles tight for as long as you can then relax for about 10 seconds. Do this until traffic begins to flow. You will be surprised at how effective this is. Try to compete with your own time by holding the tense muscles longer and longer each time. You can also do this when you’re standing in the long store lines while shopping. Another thing to do while standing in the long checkout lines is move from foot to foot. This is easy to do and fairly unnoticeable but it allows you to use your own body weight to exercise the muscles in the legs and buttocks. It also has the added benefit of making you actually less tired. If you have merchandise you can even use something that weights more and shift it from arm to arm. Nothing to heavy, maybe 1 to 3 pounds. Carry it in one arm for a minute then switch it to the other for a minute.
Making lists and checking them twice can be beneficial.
When you are making lists you are usually at home sitting down. Don’t just sit and think. Write an item on your list then stand up and do a squat, or a situp, or even a pushup. Then back to your list. This won’t take long and will do two things for you. It will keep you active and it will help you think. Your list may benefit from the extra thinking. After you completed the list set it aside and go for a walk or run. Then come back to the list and check it over, again doing a squat or something with every item on the list. The idea is with every item on the list you do an exercise, whatever you are comfortable with as long as it speeds your metabolism and gets the blood flowing and the joints lubricated. The first time loosens your muscles and gets you ready for a workout. Then a quick run or walk will only take maybe 10 minutes. Checking the list when you get back can work as a cool down.
When you are making lists you are usually at home sitting down. Don’t just sit and think. Write an item on your list then stand up and do a squat, or a situp, or even a pushup. Then back to your list. This won’t take long and will do two things for you. It will keep you active and it will help you think. Your list may benefit from the extra thinking. After you completed the list set it aside and go for a walk or run. Then come back to the list and check it over, again doing a squat or something with every item on the list. The idea is with every item on the list you do an exercise, whatever you are comfortable with as long as it speeds your metabolism and gets the blood flowing and the joints lubricated. The first time loosens your muscles and gets you ready for a workout. Then a quick run or walk will only take maybe 10 minutes. Checking the list when you get back can work as a cool down.
Decorations and parties make it easy to relax and eat so you need to be careful.
Many people go to parties to eat and be merry. That’s ok. Just make a deal with yourself that if you eat so much or drink so much you will run a mile, or do 50 situps, or do 50 pushups. Just the idea often curbs your enthusiasm for eggnog and fruitcake. Making yourself pay for the little indulgences can keep them to a minimum. And if the idea of eating that extra piece of pie is to tempting them making yourself run that extra mile or do those pushups or situps will help keep the extra weight off.
Many people go to parties to eat and be merry. That’s ok. Just make a deal with yourself that if you eat so much or drink so much you will run a mile, or do 50 situps, or do 50 pushups. Just the idea often curbs your enthusiasm for eggnog and fruitcake. Making yourself pay for the little indulgences can keep them to a minimum. And if the idea of eating that extra piece of pie is to tempting them making yourself run that extra mile or do those pushups or situps will help keep the extra weight off.
Many of these tips are not only effective but they are also time efficient in this busy season. Boosting your metabolism by exercising can produce endorphins that make you happy and you will feel less tired. Remember you can burn 200 calories in just 7 minutes of the right cardio
How Does Stress Impact Your Weight Loss Efforts?
There is plenty of published research linking stress and weight gain. While a variety of external behaviors and factors affect how we deal with stress, there are also biological responses automatically occurring within our body.
Cortisol, a stress-related hormone, has been associated with weight gain, especially abdominal fat. When under stress, very large amounts of cortisol are released into the blood stream. The most amount of fat is collected in the abdomen region when we eat under stress because receptors for cortisol are located in the abdomen. To make things worse, a higher waist-to-hip ratio has been associated with higher levels of cortisol under stress. That is a double whammy for those of us who are even slightly overweight. It means we automatically start triggering more abdominal fat storage than our leaner peers.
Metabolism is also impacted by excess cortisol. Metabolism slows down. A slower metabolism means you can’t burn off calories efficiently, and this results in weight gain even when consuming a lower amount of calories. Another double whammy here. Since most people tend to eat more when under stress, the rate of weight gain increases exponentially.
So what can you do to avoid having cortisol create a roadblock in your weight loss efforts? Manage stress proactively! Don’t wait until it catches up with you to start fighting it. Here are a few things to do:
Raise awareness: Gain awareness of your stress triggers and reactions.
Raise awareness: Gain awareness of your stress triggers and reactions.
Get in those workouts: Exercise regularly to regulate cortisol levels. It can also help alleviate depression. Try relaxation exercises such as guided meditations and yoga.
Get enough rest: Your body rejuvenates itself while sleeping, and helps you cope with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make a wiser food choice the next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan.
Get enough rest: Your body rejuvenates itself while sleeping, and helps you cope with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make a wiser food choice the next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan.
It is important to note that while it is important you manage stress and cortisol levels appropriately, medication is not a recommended first option. Try one of the methods above first!
28 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi
New Cure for Excessive Sweating Could Boost Your Work Productivity
A new study has confirmed what has already long been considered truth by many - that suffering from excessive sweating can negatively impact a person’s work performance.
According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, a recent study presented at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting in San Francisco indicates that employees suffering from hyperhidrosis "were limited in performing physically demanding tasks 25% of the time, in mental and interpersonal tasks 20% of the time, in time management 17% of the time, and in work output 11% of the time."
The study goes on to say that "these rates of workplace limitations are similar to those experienced by workers suffering from depression, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis." The study estimated overall work productivity loss due to hyperhidrosis is "4.9%."
Luckily for the estimated 8 million Americans currently suffering from hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, Mike Ramsey (himself a hyperhidrosis sufferer) has just published book detailing a simple three-step, all-natural plan that is designed to stop excessive underarm sweating in two weeks or less.
In "Stop Sweating and Start Living" Ramsey fully describes his practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person's excessive underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.
So far the treatment plan has proven to be effective for 96% of those who have tried it, Ramsey said.
Ramsey's process is made up of three simple steps, takes less than 30 seconds a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products.
Ramsey says that the process is easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and guarantees that it will keep a person's underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life!
Like many others with hyperhidrosis, Ramsey first began suffering from it in high school and over the years has tried just about every treatment he could think of to get rid of it or at least keep it under control: from using dozens of different antiperspirants to applying antiperspirants several times a day to wearing undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached his outer shirt to changing clothes several times a day to holding his arms up in the car so that they were aligned with the air conditioner vents to using a device that pushes electrical currents through the skin and much, much more.
'At the time that I came up with this cure, I was working in an office eight to ten hours a day where I was surrounded by and interacted with colleagues continuously,' Ramsey said. 'In this environment, I was constantly concerned about my underarms -- a distraction that caused me to lose hours of productivity every week. My self-esteem and self-confidence, which were already low, plummeted even further.'
Ramsey went on to say. 'After years of pain and struggle, using the method I created I was able to cure my excessive sweat problem naturally in just two weeks, and was finally able to start living worry-free again.'
Ramsey went on to say. 'After years of pain and struggle, using the method I created I was able to cure my excessive sweat problem naturally in just two weeks, and was finally able to start living worry-free again.'
'This technique has proven to be highly practical, safe and effective and it’s worked quickly for me and for hundreds of other people who have read my book and tried it,' Ramsey said.
To learn more about "Stop Sweating and Start Living" and how you can get rid of excessive underarm sweat the safe and natural way - as well as boost your work performance visit, where the book is also available for purchase.
Man Discovers Remedy for Excessive Sweating Problem That Plagues Nearly 8 Million Americans Today
Mike Ramsey, who began suffering from excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, in high school, has published an ebook detailing a simple three-step plan that when followed allows anyone to cure their excessive sweating problem in two weeks or less.
"It’s true," said Ramsey, author of "Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Underarm Sweat Problem." "At last, there's an effective way for anyone to cure their underarm sweat problem - in just two weeks - without prescription drugs or risky surgery."
Ramsey’s method is a three-step, all-natural technique that he developed after attending a seminar on natural health.
"The technique is highly practical, safe and effective, it takes just a minute a day to perform and can be easily worked into anyone’s daily routine," said Ramsey.
Ramsey's discovery comes on the heels of new research that indicates nearly 8 million Americans - almost 3 percent of the U.S. population - routinely suffer from excessive sweating, a figure higher than previously believed.
"We're not talking about people who sweat a lot after a good workout," Ramsey said. "These are adults who while sitting at their desk in a cool office, sweat through their T-shirt, their shirt, and maybe even their jacket. These are teenagers who avoid going to dances and parties and on dates because they are afraid to be seen dripping in sweat. These are children who continually drop their bottles or sippy cups because their sweaty palms won’t allow them to maintain a good grip."
What is hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes people to sweat excessively in specific areas -- their underarms, face, palms, or the soles of their feet.
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes people to sweat excessively in specific areas -- their underarms, face, palms, or the soles of their feet.
Ramsey's technique works specifically for the underarms.
"After years of struggle with hyperhidrosis, during which time I avoided potential socially awkward situations like dates and parties, I discovered the real reason for my underarm sweat problem … and after two weeks of self-treatment I cured it," Ramsey said. "In fact, in the 10 years since, I have never been self-conscious about raising my arms in public. I have never worn an undershirt to soak-up my sweat, and I have never had a sweaty armpit (except during intense physical exercise)."
In an effort to help others who suffer from hyperhidrosis, Ramsey explains exactly how he was able to cure his excessive sweating problem on the pages of “Stop Sweating and Start Living."
"In this ebook, readers will learn exactly how I, and others who have used my system, stopped underarm sweat for life," Ramsey said.
To learn more about "Stop Sweating and Start Living," please visit, where the ebook is also available for purchase.
As Heat Wave Sears U.S., New Remedy Keeps Those With Sweating Problems Dry and Comfortable
For the more than 8 million Americans who suffer from Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, the current heat wave that is setting record temperatures across the country is a nightmare come true.
Fortunately, for the many Hyperhidrosis sufferers who experience excessive underarm sweat there is now a cure available that won’t just put an end to their embarrassing condition, it will keep it from ever returning again.
The cure was discovered by Mike Ramsey, who began suffering from Hyperhidrosis in high school. Before coming up with his cure, Ramsey tried every possible remedy he could find with no success.
“I tried more than a dozen types of antiperspirants,” Ramsey said. “I tried applying antiperspirants several times a day. I wore undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached my outer shirt. When one undershirt wasn’t enough, I tried wearing two undershirts. When I was in my car (alone) I would hold up my arms, aligning them with the air conditioner vents, allowing cold air to flow up my sleeve to cool and dry my armpits. When sitting at my desk I tried to keep my arms away from my sides so that my shirt had less contact with my underarms and wouldn’t soak in the sweat so quickly. I took showers morning and night. Sometimes I would come home during lunch to shower as well.
“I wore oversized shirts for better ventilation and to keep my underarms from contacting my shirt. (This didn’t work because the sweat would just drip down to my sides and create wet marks near my waistline),” Ramsey continued. “I brought clean undershirts to work and changed several times daily. I purchased a device that pushes electric currents through your skin and supposedly stops underarm sweat for a period. I never found out whether it worked or not because it was incredibly uncomfortable to use, and I knew this was not the solution to my problem."
Ramsey was about to give up hope of ever being rid of his embarrassing condition when he and his wife attended a fateful seminar on natural health.
“The seminar actually didn’t have anything to do with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis,” Ramsey said. “But what the speaker said got me to thinking and soon led to my discovery.”
Ramsey’s discovery was practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person’s excessive underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.
Ramsey’s process, which he details in his new ebook, “Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Underarm Sweat Problem,” is made up of three simple steps, takes about 30 seconds a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products. According to Ramsey’s latest statistics, the method has proven effective for 96 percent of those who have tried it.
Ramsey adds that the process is easy for a person to incorporate into their morning or evening routine, and he personally guarantees that it will keep a person’s underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life.
So while Californians are sweltering in a heat wave that has set records across the state … while power outages in St Louis and New York City have residents scrambling to find relief from high temperatures … and while usual havens from the heat, such as San Francisco, see record hot temperatures … there remains hope for hyperhidrosis sufferers everywhere.
“At last, there’s an effective way for anyone to cure their underarm sweat problem - in just two weeks - without prescription drugs or risky surgery,” Ramsey said.
To learn more about “Stop Sweating and Start Living,” please visit, where the ebook is also available for purchase.
All-Natural Cure for Excessive Underarm Sweat (Hyperhidrosis) Discovered
If you are one of the estimated 8 million Americans currently suffering from hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, you may be very interested to know that an all-natural cure for excessive underarm sweat has been discovered.
It’s true – and the cure’s creator, Mike Ramsey, himself a hyperhidrosis sufferer, has just published an ebook detailing his simple three-step, all-natural plan that is designed to stop excessive underarm sweating in two weeks or less. So far the treatment plan has proven to be effective for 96% of those who have tried it, Ramsey added.
In "Stop Sweating and Start Living" Ramsey fully describes his practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person’s excessive underarm sweat problem – naturally and without side effects.
Ramsey's process is made up of three simple steps, takes less than 1 minute a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products.
Ramsey adds that the process is easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and guarantees that it will keep a person’s underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life.
Ramsey says he came up with the treatment approach after attending a seminar on natural health.
"The seminar actually didn’t have anything to do with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis," Ramsey said. "But what the speaker said got me to thinking and soon led to my discovery."
Like many others with hyperhidrosis, Ramsey first began suffering from it in high school and over the years has tried just about every treatment he could think of to get rid of it or at least keep it under control: from using dozens of different antiperspirants to applying antiperspirants several times a day to wearing undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached his outer shirt to changing clothes several times a day to holding his arms up in the car so that they were aligned with the air conditioner vents to using a device that pushes electrical currents through the skin and much, much more.
"Nothing that I tried worked and I was about to give up hope when my wife and I attended that fateful seminar," Ramsey said. "After years of pain and struggle, using the method I created I was able to cure my excessive sweat problem naturally in just two weeks, and was finally able to start living worry-free again."
"This technique has proven to be highly practical, safe and effective and it’s worked quickly for me and for hundreds of other people who have read my ebook and tried it."
To learn more about "Stop Sweating and Start Living" and how you can get rid of excessive underarm sweat the safe and natural way, visit, where the ebook is also available for purchase.
Avoid The Causes Of Eczema and Beat It For Good
Eczema is caused more by several different factors, each one increasing the discomfort level until the threshold is reached and you are in a full blown itching attack, ripping your poor skin to shreds. Fear not though, if you take the time to learn how to understand and recognize these factors, you can significantly reduce the impact that the condition can have on your life. Check out my tips below to get the better of Eczema today.
The #1 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Dry Skin. A lot of people will argue this point, stating that that the dry skin is a simple symptom of the Eczema. This may be true, but think about it for a second-what’s the most irritating thing about Eczema, the thing that causes most discomfort? The itching right? Well if you can combat that dry skin, you can go a long way to beating the itch too. The key is to keep it moisturized. Moisturize at least twice a day, preferably after bathing or showering. Dab yourself down with the towel, and apply the moisturizer to damp skin. This will help lock the moisture from the bath into your skin.
The #2 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Ignorance toward diet. Most people have no idea how much your diet can affect your skin and the condition of it. To put it plainly, if you aren’t giving your skin the right nutrients, it can’t heal itself, so your Eczema will only get worse.
Foods that are high in acidity are often blamed for exacerbating the Eczema condition, there is something in the acid in some foods which reacts very badly.
The #3 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Scents. Silly as it sounds, the perfuming agents in many detergents/soaps etc has awful effects on your eczema. Have you noticed that sometimes nothing can irritate your skin more than having it brush up against your clothing all day? This is most often due to the scenting agents in the clothing. If you can change over to unscented soaps, detergents, shampoos etc, you will most likely find your clothing is suddenly more comfortable for you.
The #4 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Clothing itself. We already mentioned the damaged that scented clothing can have, but did you know that just your clothing alone can prove to be pretty formidable? Most Eczema patients have no idea that sometimes when they experience a worsening of the condition, it can be down to the very clothing they are wearing. Certain fabrics can be a real curse. As a general guide, avoid anything woolen or obviously itchy, and try to wear 100% cotton clothing as often as
The #1 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Dry Skin. A lot of people will argue this point, stating that that the dry skin is a simple symptom of the Eczema. This may be true, but think about it for a second-what’s the most irritating thing about Eczema, the thing that causes most discomfort? The itching right? Well if you can combat that dry skin, you can go a long way to beating the itch too. The key is to keep it moisturized. Moisturize at least twice a day, preferably after bathing or showering. Dab yourself down with the towel, and apply the moisturizer to damp skin. This will help lock the moisture from the bath into your skin.
The #2 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Ignorance toward diet. Most people have no idea how much your diet can affect your skin and the condition of it. To put it plainly, if you aren’t giving your skin the right nutrients, it can’t heal itself, so your Eczema will only get worse.
Foods that are high in acidity are often blamed for exacerbating the Eczema condition, there is something in the acid in some foods which reacts very badly.
The #3 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Scents. Silly as it sounds, the perfuming agents in many detergents/soaps etc has awful effects on your eczema. Have you noticed that sometimes nothing can irritate your skin more than having it brush up against your clothing all day? This is most often due to the scenting agents in the clothing. If you can change over to unscented soaps, detergents, shampoos etc, you will most likely find your clothing is suddenly more comfortable for you.
The #4 Cause of Increased Eczema Discomfort-
Clothing itself. We already mentioned the damaged that scented clothing can have, but did you know that just your clothing alone can prove to be pretty formidable? Most Eczema patients have no idea that sometimes when they experience a worsening of the condition, it can be down to the very clothing they are wearing. Certain fabrics can be a real curse. As a general guide, avoid anything woolen or obviously itchy, and try to wear 100% cotton clothing as often as
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